duminică, 16 decembrie 2018


Christina Abraham
The Devil is in the Details:
A Socio-Cultural Reading of the Gerasene Demoniac Narrative in Mark
(Teză de master)
Queen’s University, August, 2016, 46 p. (pdf.)

Table of Contents
Abstract -1, Acknowledgements – 2, I. Introduction – 4, II. The Core Passage – 5, i. Mark 5:1-20 (Greek) – 5, ii. Mark 5:1-20 (English) – 7, III. Towards A Method: Historical Criticism and the Texture of Texts – 8, i. Inner Texture – 9, ii. Intertexture – 10, iii. Social and Cultural Texture – 11, IV. Establishing the Pattern: Jesus’ Exorcisms in the Gospel of Mark – 13, V. A Failed Attempt at ‘Name Magic: Jesus as “Son of the Most High God” – 19, VI. An Ironic Invocation: The Demons Adjure Jesus by God – 25, VII. Act of Strength or Moment of Weakness? Jesus Resorts to Name Magic – 33, VIII. Final Remarks – 41, Works Cited – 43.

The exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac is one of the most striking narratives in the New Testament and depicts an intense power struggle between Jesus and a horde of demons. Although the exorcism is recounted in all of the Synoptic Gospels, the Markan narrative is especially intriguing because it includes three significant details. First, the demons attempt to use “name magic” on Jesus; second, they adjure him by God; and third, Jesus himself resorts to name magic before he casts out the demons. For ancient readers, the presence of these three details would have been interpreted as limitations of Jesus’ power. However, this essay argues that the Markan author intentionally includes these “embarrassing” details in order to heighten the action and drama of the narrative. By describing Jesus’ violent struggle and subsequent victory over a multitude of demons, the narrator emphasizes his authority as an exorcist.

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