marți, 18 decembrie 2018

CONWAY: 1878a

Moncure Daniel Conway
Demonology and Devil Lore, vol. II
New York. Henry Holt and Company, 1879, 492 p. (pdf.)

CONTENTS OF VOL. II. PART IV. CHAPTER I. DIABOLISM. Dragon and. Devil distinguished — Dragons' wings — War in Heaven Expulsion of Serpents —- Dissolution of the Dragon —Theological origin of the Devil — Ideal and Actual—Devil Dogma — Debasement of ideal persons — Transmigration of phantoms – i, CHAPTER. THE SECOND BEST. Respect for the Devil — Primitive Atheism — Idealisation — Birth of new gods — New gods diabolised — Compromise between new gods and old — Foreign deities degraded—Their utilisation – 13, CHAPTER AHRIMAN, THE DIVINE DEVIL. Mr. Irving's impersonation of Superstition—Revolution against pious privilege — Doctrine of  Merits '— Saintly immorality in India — A Pantheon turned Inferno — Zendavesta on Good and Evil — Parsi Mythology—The Combat of Ahriman with Ormuzd — Optimism — Parsi Eschatology — Final Restoration of Ahriman – 20, CHAPTER IV.viswAmitra, the theocratic devil. Priestcraft and Pessimism — An Aryan Tetzel and his Luther — Brahman Frogs —Evolution of the Sacerdotal Saint — Viswamitra the Accuser of Virtue — The Tamil Passion-Play ' Harischandra ' — Ordeal of Goblins — The Martyr of Truth — Virtue triumphant over ' ceremonial ' Merits ' — Harischandra and Job – 31, ELOHIM AND JEHOVAH. Deified power — Giants and Jehovah — Jehovah's manifesto — The various Elohim — Two Jeliovahs and two Tables — Contradictions — Detachment of the Elohim from Jehovah – 46, CHAPTER VI. THE CONSUMING FIRE. The Shekinah — Jewish idols — Attributes of the fiery and cruel Elohim compared with those of the Devil — The powers of evil combined under a head — Continuity — The consuming fire spiritualised – 54, CHAPTER VII. PARADISE AND THE SERPENT. Herakles and Athena in a holy picture — Human significance of Eden — The legend in Genesis puzzling —  Silence of later books concerning It — Its Vedic elements — Its explanation — Episode of the Mahabharata — Scandinavian variant — The name of Adam — The story re-read — Rabbinical interpretations – 63, CHAPTER VIII. EVE.The Fall of Man — Fall of gods — Giants — Prajapati and Rahu — Woman and Star-Serpent in Persia — Meschia and Meschiane — Brahman legends of the creation of Man —The strength of Woman — Elohist and Jehovist creations of Man — The Forbidden Fruit — Eve reappears as Sara — Abraham surrenders his wife to Jehovah — The idea not sensual — Abraham's circumcision — The evil name of Woman — Noah's wife — The temptation of Abraham — Rabbinical legends concerning Eve — Pandora — Sentiment of the Myth of Eve – 73, CHAPTER IX. LILITH. Madonnas — Adam's first wife — Her flight and doom — Creation of Devils — Lilith marries Samael — Tree of Life — Lilith's part in the Temptation — Her locks — Lamia — Bodeima — Meschia and Meschiane — Amazons — Maternity — Rib- theory of Woman — Kali and Durga —  Captivity of Woman – 91, CHAPTER X. WAR IN HEAVEN. The ' Other ' — Tiamat, Bohu, ' the Deep ' — Ra and Apophis — Hathors — Bel's combat — Revolt in Heaven — Lilith — Myth of the Devil at the creation of Light – 105, CHAPTER XL WAR ON EARTH. The Abode of Devils — Ketef — Disorder — Talmudic legends — The restless Spirit — The Fall of Lucifer — Asteria, Hecate, Lilith The Dragon's triumph — A Gipsy legend — Casdmon's Poem of the Rebellious Angels — Milton's version — The Puritans and Prince Rupert — Bel as ally of the Dragon — A ' Mystery ' in Marionettes — European Hells – 115, CHAPTER X. STRIFE.Hebrew God of War — Samael — The father's blessing and curse — Esau — Edom — Jacob and the Phantom — The planet Mars — Tradesman and Huntsman — ' The Devil's Dream ' – 120, CHAPTER XI. BARBARIC ARISTOCRACY. Jacob, the ' Impostor  '— The Barterer — Esau, the ' Warrior ' — Barbarian Dukes — Trade and War — Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau — Their Ghosts — Legend of Iblis — Pagan Warriors of Europe — Russian Hierarchy of Hell – 138, CHAPTER XIV. JOB AND THE DIVIDER. Hebrew Polytheism— Problem of Evil—Job's disbelief in a future life — The Divider's realm — Salted sacrifices — Theory of Orthodoxy — Job's reasoning — His humour — Impartiality of Fortune between the evil and good — Agnosticism of Job — Elihu's Eclecticism Jehovah of the Whirlwind — Heresies of Job — Rabbinical legend of Job — Universality of the legend – 147, CHAPTER XV. SATAN. Public Prosecutors — Satan as Accuser — English Devil-Worshipper Conversion by Terror — Satan in the Old Testament —The trial of Joshua — Sender of Plagues — Satan and Serpent — Portrait of Satan — Scapegoat of Christendom — Catholic 'Sight of Hell' — The ally of Priesthoods - I59, CHAPTER XVI. RELIGIOUS DESPOTISM. Pharaoh and Herod — Zoroaster's mother — Ahriman's emissaries Kansa and Krishna — Emissaries of Kansa — Astyages and Cyrus — Zohak — Bel and the Christian – 172, CHAPTER XVIL THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD. Temptations — Birth of Buddha — Mara — Temptation of Power — Asceticism and Luxury — Mara's menaces — Appearance of the Buddha's Vindicator — Ahriman tempts Zoroaster — Satan and Christ —  Criticism of Strauss — Jewish traditions — Hunger — Variants – 178, CHAPTER XV. TRIAL OF THE GREAT. A 'Morality' at Tours — The ' St. Anthony' of Spagnoletto — Bunyan's Pilgrim — Milton on Christ's Temptation — An Edinburgh saint and Unitarian fiend — A haunted Jewess — Conversion by fever Limit of courage — Woman and sorcery — Luther and the Devil — The ink-spot at Wartburg — Carlyle's interpretation — The cowled Devil — Carlyle's trial — In Rue St. Thomas d'Enfer — The Everlasting No — Devil of Vauvert — The latter-day conflict — New conditions — The Victory of Man — The Scholar and the World – 190, CHAPTER XIX. THE MAN OF SIN. Hindu myth  — Gnostic theories — Ophite scheme of redemption — Rabbinical traditions of Primitive Man — Pauline Pessimism — Law of death—Satan's ownership of Man — Redemption of the Elect Contemporary statements — Baptism — Exorcism — The ' new man's' food—Eucliarist — Herbert Spencer's explanation — Primitive ideas — Legends of Adam and Setli — Adamites — A Mormon ' Mystery ' of initiation – 206, CHAPTER XX. THE HOLY GHOST. A Hanover relic — Mr. Atkinson on the Dove — The Dove in the Old Testament — Ecclesiastical symbol — Judicial symbol — A vision of St. Dunstan's — The witness of chastity — Dove and Serpent — The unpardonable sin — Inexpiable sin among the Jews — Destructive power of Jehovah — Potency of the breath — Third persons of Trinities — Pentecost — Christian superstitions — Mr. Moody on the sin against the Holy Ghost — Mysterious fear — Idols of the cave – 226, CHAPTER XXL ANTICHRIST. The Kali Age — Satan sifting Simon — Satan as Angel of Light — Epithets of Antichrist—The Csesars—Nei'o—Sacraments imitated by Pagans—Satanic signs and wonders—Jerome on Antichrist Armillus — Al Dajjail — Luther on Mohammed — ' Mawmet ' Satan ' God's ape ' — Mediseval notions — Witches' Sabbath — An Infernal Trinity — Serpent of Sins — Antichrist Popes — Luther as Antichrist — Modern notions of Antichrist – 240, CHAPTER XXII. THE PRIDE OF LIFE. The curse of Iblis — Samael as Democrat — His vindication by Christ and Paul — Asmodaus — History of the name — Aschmedai of the Jews — Book of Tobit — Dore's 'Triumph of Christianity' Aucassin and Nicolette — Asmodeus in the convent — The Asmodeus  of Le Sage — Mephistopheles — Blake's ' Marriage of Heaven and Heir — The Devil and the artists — Sadi's Vision of Satan Arts of the Devil — Suspicion of beauty — Earthly and heavenly mansions — Deacon versus Devil – 260, CHAPTER XXIII. THE CURSE ON KNOWLEDGE. A Bishop on intellect — The Bible on learning — The Serpent and Seth — A Hebrew Renaissance — Spells — Shelley at Oxford — Bookburning — Japanese ink-devil — Book of Cyprianus — Devil's Bible —Red Letters — Dread of Science — Roger Bacon — Luther's Devil — Lutherans and Science – 277, CHAPTER XXIV. WITCHCRAFT. Minor gods — Saint and Satyr — Tutelaries — Spells — Early Christianity and the poor — Its doctrine as to pagan deities — Mediseval Devils — Devils on the stage — An Abbotts revelations — The fairer deities — Oriental dreams and spirits — Calls for Nemesis — Lilith and her children — Neoplatonicism — Astrology and Alchemy — Devil's College — Shem-hammphorasch — Apollonius of Tyana — Faustus Black Art Schools — Compacts with the Devil — Blood covenant Spirit-seances in old times — The Fairfax delusion — Origin of its devil — Witch, goat, and cat — Confessions of Witches — Witchcraft in New England — Witch trials — Salem demonology — Testing witches — Witch trials in Sweden — Witch Sabbath — Mythological elements — Carriers — Scotch Witches — The cauldron — Vervain Rue — Invocation of Hecate — Factors of Witch persecution Three centuries of massacre — Wiirzburg horrors — Last victims Modern Spiritualism – 2S8, CHAPTER XXV. FAUST AND MEPHISTOPHELES, Mephisto and Mephitis — The Raven Book — Papal sorcery — Magic seals — Mephistopheles as dog — George Sabellicus alias Faustus The Faust myth — Marlowe's ' Faust ' — Good and evil angels — ' El Magico Prodigioso' — Cyprian and Justina — Klinger's 'Faust' — Satan's sermon — Goethe's Mephistopheles — His German characters — Moral scepticism — Devil's gifts — Helena — Redemption through Art — Defeat of Mephistopheles – 332, CHAPTER XXVI. THE WILD HUNTSMAN. The Wild Hunt — Euphemisms — Schimmelreiter — Odinwald — Pied Piper — Lyeshy — Waldemar's Hunt — Paine Hunter — King Abel's Hunt — Lords of Glorup — Le Grand Veneur — Robert le Diable Arthur — Hugo — Heme — Tregeagle — Der Freischiitz — Elijah's chariot — Mahan Bali — Uehak — Nimrod — Nimrod's defiance of Jehovah — His Tower — Robber Knights — The Devil in Leipzig Olaf hunting pagnns — llunling-horns — Raven — Boar — Hounds Horse — Dapplcgiimm — Sleipnir — Horse-flesh — The mare Chetiya — Stags — St. Iluljcit — The Wiiite Lady — Myths of Mother Rose Wodau hunting St. Walpurga — Friar Eckhardt – 353. CHAPTER XXVII. LE BON DIABLE, The Devil repainted — Satan a divine agent — St. Grain's heresy Primitive universalism — Father Sinistrari — Salvation of demons — Mediaeval sects — Aquinas — His prayer for Satan — Popular antipathies — The Devil's gratitude —Devil defending innocence — Devil against idle lords — The wicked ale-wife — Pious offenders punished — Anachronistic Devils — Devils turn to poems — Devil's good advice — Devil sticlis to his word — His love of justice — Charlemagne and the Serpent — Merlin — His prison of Air — Mephistopheles in Heaven – 381, CHAPTER XXVIII. ANIMALISM. Celsus on Satan — Ferocities of inward nature — The Devil of Lust Celibacy — Blue Beards — Shudendozi —A lady in distress — Bahirawa — The Black Prince — Madana Yaksenyo — Fair fascinators — Devil of Jealousy — Eve's jealousy — Noah's wife — How Satan entered the Ark — Shipwright's Dirge — The Second Fall — The Drunken curse — Solomon's Fall — Cellar Devils — Gluttony — The Vatican haunted — Avarice — Animalised Devils — Man-shaped Animals – 401. CHAPTER XXIX. THOUGHTS AND INTERPRETATIONS – 421,

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