duminică, 30 decembrie 2018

CRIPPA 2017 1SDB2019

Sabina Crippa/ Emanuele M. Ciampini (eds.)
Edizioni Ca’Foscar, 2017, 121 p. (pdf.)

Table of contents
Philippe Borgeaud – 7
„Heterogeneity and Rituals
The Means of Transmission of Knowledge and Contacts between Cultures”
Sabina Crippa – 9
Abstract The international project Multima. Languages, Objects, and the Transmission of Rituals. An interdisciplinary analysis of some unresearched ritual practices in the Greco-Egyptian papyri (PGM) aims at exploring contacts between cultures, languages and rituals in Antiquity, starting from a composite material whose heterogeneity is analysed as a basic element and a bearer of meaning. The study of manuals of ritual practices, summae and encyclopaedias ante litteram of knowledge and skills allows to develop new and interdisciplinary suggestions for the history of ideas and the beginnings of scientific thought.

„Una cultura/ Molte culture: modelli e memoria”
Emanuele M. Ciampini – 15
Abstract The culture of the Graeco-Egyptian papyri is one of the best evidences of the transmission of ancient patterns in the Late Antiquity. The role of the pharaonic culture in this passage can be recognized in the wide diffusion of Egyptian elements – mainly from magical texts, but also from other textual typologies – in this rich collection. Also the use of Greek and demotic for the redaction of the papyri is an expression of the linguistic background of the late period Egypt, where the local idiom is now used in the temple, while the Greek is the language of the administration. The origin of this complex tradition can be found it the Ramesside Egypt, whose religious doctrines focused the inner nature of the divine world and the multiplicity of its manifestations.

„La selección de encantamientos en un libro de magia Sobre la autoridad acreditada en el PGM VII”
Raquel Martín Hernández – 21
Abstract PGM VII is a Greek magical handbook which was composed by its principal scribe very carefully. The disposition and selection of prescriptions speak about the composition of the formulary with a plan in mind. In this article, the spells attributed to an author of prestige will be analyzed in order to put in question the belief that the magical handbooks written only in Greek demand a familiarity with international authors while the Demotic handbooks demand only for national authorities. PGM VII shows a preferred use of Hellenistic recognized authorities to “sale” better the prescriptions of the formulary, a marketing strategy that speaks of the “taste” of the potential readers

„Appréhender les influences multiculturelles sur les papyrus magiques grecs Résultats, limites et perspectives de l’étude des marqueurs d’identité culturelle”
Magali de Haro Sanchez – 37
Abstract This paper offers a methodological study aiming to define discriminative markers of cultural identity for the Greek magical papyri, based on the external and internal typologies of these texts. Without claiming to be exhaustive, this research is intended to provide a new perspective to the debate on multiculturalism which is becoming increasingly prominent in the studies on ancient magic.

„Protective Statues for Home and Workshop The Evidence for Cross-Cultural Contact in the Greek Magical Papyri”
Christopher A. Faraone – 59
Abstract The Greek magical papyri, especially the longer handbooks from Upper Egypt, reflect a good deal of cross-cultural mixture, but often this is not some form of free association, but rather a series of additions to or translations of one culture’s traditional ritual or ritual object in order to adapt or update it to new circumstances. This process is especially apparent in two recipes in the famous Paris Magical Papyrus (PGM IV) for small wax statuettes designed to protect or prosper houses or shops. In each case, the creator of the recipe begins with a well known domestic talisman drawn from a single cultural tradition – an image of the Egyptian god Pantheos or the Roman god Mercury with his money sack – and then adds divine names or details drawn from other traditions that reveal the cross-cultural currents in the late-antique environment in which he worked. These additions are, moreover, often acts of translation, for example, renaming the god depicted or giving him a new epithet.

„Traditions pharaoniques et papyrus grecs magiques L’exemple du début Papyrus Mimaut (P. Louvre N 2391 = PGM III)”
Yvan Koenig – 79
Abstract If the Ancient Pharaonic Traditions are well attested in PGM, they display a great variety of utilisations : new elaborations on ancient pharaonic themes, prolongation of magical pratices of the pharaonic period, importance of magical names. But the names no more refer to a personal divinity, but to different aspects of a transcendant and abstract God, who caracterises the Late Antiquity.

„The Donkey in the Graeco-Egyptian Papyri Rita Lucarelli 89
La trasmissione transculturale di letteratura magico-religiosa nell’Egitto antico”
Alessandro Roccati – 105 (v. BESTIAR).

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