duminică, 30 decembrie 2018

KOENIG 2011 1SDB2019

Yvan Koenig
Ancient Egyptian Demonology:
Studies on the boundaries between the Demonic and the
Divine in Egyptian Magic
P. Kousoulis (ed.), OLA 175, Leuven, 2011, pp. 121-128. (pdf.)

„The theme of the specialized conference, “Egyptian Theology and Demonology: Studies on the boundaries between Divine and Demonic in Egyptian Magic”, the acts of which this book presents, leads us to precise that contrary to societies based on monotheistic revealed religions, we cannot oppose a world of a good god to nefast demonic beings. Or, to put it in other words, the notions of good and evil in ancient Egypt cannot be superposed on those of our societies, precisely because in ancient Egypt the gods can be at the origin of evil. In the magical texts, the gods are exactly on the same level as dangerous dead or ghosts. All of them are beings who may seriously endanger human life” (p.121). (pdf.)

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