duminică, 23 decembrie 2018

SRSIC 2016 (7SDB2018)

Elizabeth C. Srsic
(Teză de master)
The University of Texas at Austin. August 2016, 68 p. (pdf.)

Table of Contents
List of Figures – viii; Introduction – 1; State of Research – 10; Chapter One: Gendering Witchcraft – 13; Chapter Two: The Woodcuts of De lamiis, Their Sources, and the “Fourth Voice” – 23; Chapter Three: Hans Baldung and the Legacy of Molitor’s Woodcuts – 32; Conclusion – 47; Figures – 50; Bibliography – 56.

The present Master’s thesis seeks to develop a better understanding of two influential series of witchcraft prints and drawings: the woodcuts of Ulrich Molitor’s De lamiis et pythonicis mulieribus and three of Hans Baldung’s works. I will begin with a discussion of the role that gender played during the witch trials and how it influenced two of the woodcuts in De lamiis. Following the discussion of gender, I will examine the remaining De lamiis woodcuts in the context of the text and other visual sources. Finally, I will end with three of Hans Baldung’s witchcraft images, describing how they reflected and expanded established motifs.

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