luni, 24 decembrie 2018

BOHAC 2009 (7SDB2019)

Gideon Bohak
Currents in Biblical Literature, nr. 8, 2009, pp. 107-150. (pdf.)

Recent years have seen a steady rise in the scholarly interest in Jewishmagic. The present paper seeks to take stock of what has already beendone, to explain how further study of Jewish magical texts and artifactsmight make major contributions to the study of Judaism as a whole, andto provide a blueprint for further progress in this field. Its main claimis that the number of unedited and even uncharted primary sources forthe study of Jewish magic is staggering, and that these sources mustserve as the starting point for any serious study of the Jewish magicaltradition from antiquity to the twenty-first century. Such a study must both compare the Jewish magical texts and practices of each historical period with those of the contemporaneous non-Jewish world, and thustrace processes of cross-cultural contacts and influences, and comparethe Jewish magical texts and practices of one period with those ofanother, so as to detect processes of inner-Jewish continuity and trans-mission. Finally, such a study must flesh out the place of magical prac-tices and practitioners within the Jewish society of different periods,and within different Jewish communities.

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