sâmbătă, 22 decembrie 2018

CIOANCĂ 2018 (7SDB2018)

Costel Cioancă
Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara.
Seria ştiinţe filologice, vol. 56, 2018, pp. 101-112. (pdf.)

Intimacy Symbols in the Romanian Fairy Tale.
The Institution of Destiny
One of the most ardent desires of man was, regardless of historical age and culture, to be able to know the future. It was, if you wish, a symbolic way by which man wanted to become intimate with the divinity that entirely ran his destiny (past, present, future). Starting from some classical examples, where human destiny is considered in relation to the predestination configured at birth by the divine, the present study attempts to define the notion of destiny in the Romanian fairy tale. In accordance with traditional beliefs and practices, I have tried to discover, analyse and share, thematically and functionally, the relationship between man and the implacable laws of destiny, as understood, represented and valued in the collective mentality, creator and consumer, at the same time, of fantastic fairy tales. The figurative structures under which this notion of destiny appears in the Romanian fairy tale (Fate, Destiny, Fortune), with a specialised category of beings that define the destiny of a newborn (fairy godmother) are ample and complex, revealing sometimes a philosophical structure. Given the oral character of transmission of such epic-traditional products, it is not only the conservative nature of preserving the mythical (not necessarily religious!) content of Fate that must be pointed out, but also its versatility, adaptability to new forms of representation, understanding and valorisation, closer to the storytelling time, and why not, closer to man.

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