joi, 20 decembrie 2018

GODDARD 1996 (6SDB2018)

David Goddard
The sacred magic of the angels
Samuel Weiser, Inc.
York Beach, Maine, 1996, 222 p. (pdf.)

List of Figures – ix, Preface – xi, Acknowledgments – xiii, Introduction – xv, Chapter 1 THE LORDS OF FLAME – 1, Exercise 1 Beth-Malakhim — Temple of the Angels – 21, Chapter 2 MOON MAGIC – 31, Exercise 2 Circle of the Moon – 49, Chapter 3 HEALING IN ITS WLNGS – 57, Exercise 3 Servants of the Altar of Life – 73, Chapter 4 BY THEIR SIGNS YE SHALL KNOW THEM – 79, Exercise 4 Summoning of the Shining Ones – 95, Chapter 5 THE DEVAS – 103, Exercise 5 Healing of Logres – 115, Chapter 6 TALISMANS OF POWER – 123, Exercise 6 The Moon Tree – 143, Chapter 7 BE WITH U – 149, Exercise 7 Taking on the Wings of the Morning – 167, CONCLUSION – 173, Exercise 8 Temple of the Heart – 179, APPENDICES – 183, Appendix I The Angelic Scripts – 183, Appendix II The Cycles of Heaven – 189, Appendix III Gods and Angels – 193, Appendix IV The Hierarchies of Light – 197, Bibliography – 201, Index – 203, Further Study – 209, About the Author – 210.

„I am one in a lineage of teachers and practitioners who, throughout the centuries, have preserved and transmitted this angelic magic. If we stand tall today, it is because we stand upon the shoulders of those who went before us. It is their wisdom and devotion, their courage and ingenuity, their humor and hope, and their triumph over adversity, which has made this book possible. I have had the blessing to receive their teachings, and to be entrusted with the task of handing on the angelic magic to the next generation. This sacred magic enhances life and cannot be used to diminish it. It is simple to use and incorruptible against evil intentions. In transmitting this magic of the angels into the public domain, I have appended to each chapter an exercise — a guided meditation or ceremony — designed to raise consciousness to the angelic level. I have also deepened it with what I have gleaned in twenty years of practice and teaching. Any spiritual system needs to grow and be reinterpreted, if it is to speak to those in each generation. What the angels bring to us is the knowledge that we live in a world where even the blind darkness has Grace hidden in it. A Grace that is the source of all magic, all miracles — a Grace that resides in every soul” (p. XI).

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