miercuri, 19 decembrie 2018

JAMES: 1997

Geoffrey James
Angel Magic:
The Ancient Art of Summoning and Communicating
With Angelic Beings
Llewellyn Publications, 1997, 208 p. (pdf.)

List of Illustrations – XI, List of Figures – XIV. Preface – XVII, CHAPTER 1. Introduction to Angel Magic – 1, Wh.at are Angels? – 1, Are Angels Real? – 5, How Do Angels Appear? – 10, Wh.at is Angel Magic? – 13, CHAPTER 2. The Source of Angel Magic – 23, Chaldean Angel Magic – 25, Egyptian Angel Magic – 27, Hebraic Angel Magic – 31, Gnostic Angel Magic – 36, CHAPTER 3. The Survival of Angel Magic – 45, Dark Age Angel Magic – 45, Islamic Angel Magic – 49, Medieval Angel Magic – 52, Renaissance Angel Magic – 57, CHAPTER 4. The Making of an Angel Magus – 65, The Early Years – 66, The Celebrated Scholar – 68, The Magic Begins – 72, Voyage to Cracow – 77, CHAPTER 5. The Angelic Keys – 81, The Angelic Language – 82, Did Kelly Fabricate the Angelic Keys? – 88, Did Kelly Plagiarize the Keys? – 91, Was Kelly Actually in Communication with Angels? – 96, CHAPTER 6. The Result of Dee's Magic – 101, The Holy Roman Emperor – 101, The Test of Faith – 107, Success at Last – 109, The Queen's Magus – 112, Betrayal and Disgrace – 116, The Final Exile – 118, CHAPTER 7. Fairy Magic – 121, Early Fairy Magic – 122, The Conjuration of Sibylia – 127, The Fairy Seers – 129, CHAPTER 8. Angel Magic and the Golden Dawn – 133, After the Renaissance – 133, The Golden Dawn – 137, Yeats and Crowley – 142, CHAPTER 9. Angel Magic Today – 145, APPENDIX Angel Magic Signatures, Seals & Alphabets – 153, Planetary Signatures – 154, Seals of the Planetary Angels – 156, Magical Squares of the Planets – 158, Angel Magic Alphabets – 162, Notes – 175, Suggested Reading – 187, Grimoires – 187, "How To" Books – 190, Historical Background – 192, Index – 194.

„I began this book twenty years ago when I was a student of English literature at the University of California at Irvine. One quarter I attended a course on the Elizabethan playwrights and another course on the works ofWilliam Blake. For the first course, I wrote a paper identifying the sources of the magical ceremonies in Marlowe's play Doctor Faustus. For the second, I wrote a paper suggesting that Blake practiced Angel Magic to obtain the visions he described in his poems. Neither paper was well received by the professors, who considered my ideas as being outside the traditional parameters of academia. This only served to pique my interest, however. I continued researching the literature and history of Magic and Religion and after graduation wrote a series of articles for Gnostica magazine (a Llewellyn publication of the late 1970s}. These articles traced the history of Angel Magic from its inception in ancient Chaldea, all the way to modern times. Unfortunately, the magazine ceased publication before the entire series was published. I had always intended to gather the articles - both published and unpublished - into book format, but somehow always managed to lack the time. It wasn't until1993 that I actually got around to making a formal proposal to Llewellyn. They liked the idea, and the result is the volume that you now hold in your hands. I'm often asked whether or not I am a "true believer" in Angel Magic. I have to confess that my interest in these matters is primarily historical. T his is not to say that I'm a diehard materialist, or worse, one of those prissy scholars who poo-poo anything that doesn't fit the curriculum of a twentieth-century university. To the contrary, I consider myself open-minded and willing to take any set of phenomena on its own terms. Personally, I've seen some rather strange things that would be difficult for a strict materialist to explain away; however, I've yet to see an Angel with my waking eyes. At this time, I'd like to thank Nancy J. Mostad of Llewellyn for encouraging me to continue writing on these subjects, Llewellyn Publisher Carl Weschcke for creating a publishing environment that fosters alternative approaches, Janine Ranee for remaining a long-distance friend through all the changes in our lives, Donald Tyson for his excellent suggestions to improve the first draft, Master YangJwing-Ming for always encouraging me to seek the highest levels of excellence, and Anthony J. Robbins for teaching me how to live with passion” (pp. XVII – XVIII).
Geoffrey James
Maui, September 1994.

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