duminică, 16 decembrie 2018


Dov Schwartz
Studies on Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought
Translated by David Louvish and Batya Stein
Brill. Leiden - Boston, 2005, 269 p. (pdf)

Introduction – vii, Chapter One — Judah Halevi and Abraham Ibn Ezra Judah Halevi: Astral Magic and Esoteric Writing – 1, The Thought and Literary Style of Judah Halevi – 1, A Divine v. an Astral Source – 3, Ancient Wisdom – 6, Abraham ibn Ezra: Mysteries and their Interpretation – 9, Supreme Power – 10, Astral Magic and Idolatry – 14, The Astral Magic Mystery – 18, Expanding the Magic-Astral Exegesis – 24, Chapter Two — Magic, Experiential Science, and Scientific Method in Maimonides. The Foundations of the Maimonidean Controversy – 28, Two Kinds of Magic – 28, A Hidden Polemic? – 37, Experiential Knowledge and Astral Magic – 40, Reactions – 45, Criticism of Maimonides’ Position – 45, Influence and Rejection – 49, Chapter Three — From Theurgy to Magic: Sacrifice in the Circle of Nahmanides and his Interpreters The Secret of Sacrifice According to Nahmanides: Theurgy v. Astral Magic – 56. A Representative Secret: Evidence of Disciples and Colleagues – 66, The Split within the Circle of Nahmanides’ Interpreters – 69, The Theurgic Model – 69, The Magic-Astral Model  - 73, Astral Magic in the Writings of Rashba and Ritba – 79, Astral Magic in Ritba’s Circle – 85, Conclusions – 88, Chapter Four — Institutionalization Drawing Down Spirituality – 91, Astral Magic as a Real Science – 91, Magic-Astral Interpretation – 96, Distinctions – 100, Reasons for the Commandments – 103, The Magic-Astral Mystery of the Torah – 103, Tabernacle, Temple and Sacrifices – 106, Demons as Astral Forces – 113, Critique – 113, Demons as Creatures of Fancy – 115, Demons as the Spirituality of the Stars – 120, Conclusions – 122, Chapter Five — The Controversy in Provence Positions in the Debate over Magic – 124, External Influences – 124, Four Positions – 126, Twofold Prohibition: The Moderate Rationalists – 127, Between Astrology and Astral Magic – 129, The Means Becomes the End – 133, The Relationship between Magic and Philosophy: The Traditionalists – 135, A Threefold Prohibition – 135, Between Theory and Practice – 138, Effigies, Images and Divination: An Intermediate Position – 140, Psychological Utility – 140, The Popular Belief. – 146, Healing Images” as an “Ancient Wisdom”: The Believers’ Position – 148, Astral Magic as a Theological Factor – 158, Conclusions – 162, Chapter Six — The Controversy in Spanish Jewry The Background to the Controversy – 167, The Controversial Issues . – 170, The Scapegoat – 171, Dietary Laws – 175, The Core of the Debate – 177, Chapter Seven — Jewish Rationalism In Late Medieval Byzantium. Wandering – 18. Receptiveness and Moderation . – 185, Elitism and Esoteric Writing – 196, Limits and Environment – 201, Chapter Eight — Magic, Astrology, and Theology in Late Medieval Byzantium. Unique Features – 205, An Unknown Science – 206, Science or Craft? – 207, Magic of the Name – 211, An Intermediate Position – 213, Common Features – 214, Astral Magic and Communion – 214, Conjunction with God through Magical Means – 215, Astral Magic and Segullot – 216, Astral Magic and Esotericism – 217, Astral Magic v. Other Magic – 219, Astral Magic and Idolatry – 219, The Harmonistic Approach: Moskoni – 220, Negation: Comtino – 222, Magic and Kabbalistic Abundance: Ephraim ben Gershon – 224, Conclusions – 227, Epilogue — Astral Magic and the Philosophy of Science Magic and a Developmental Outlook – 229, Magic and Esotericism in Judaism – 231, Wavering between – 233, References – 237, Index – 247.

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