duminică, 16 decembrie 2018

SHAKED: 2013

Shaul Shaked/
James Nathan Ford/ Siam Bhayro
Aramaic Bowl Spells.
Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Bowls, vol. I
With contributions from Matthew Morgenstern/ Naama Vilozny
Brill, Leiden – Boston, 2013, 397 p. (pdf.)

Preface – xiii, List of Figures – xvii, List of Photographs – xix, Abbreviations – xxi, List of Other Bowls – xxv, Sigla -.xxvii, Introduction – 1, The Historical, Literary and Religious Context – 1, Terms Designating “Bowl”, “Amulet” and “Spell” – 8, The Structure of an Incantation – 8, Single-Spell Incantations – 9, Multi-Spell Incantations -10, Literary Features – 13, Historiolae – 13, Biblical Quotations – 18, Echoes of Biblical Themes – 20, Prayer Book Quotations and Allusions – 21, Mishnaic Quotations – 22, Echoes of Hekhalot – 23, The Art of the Aramaic Incantation Bowls (Naama Vilozny) – 29, Stylistic Aspects of the Figures Appearing on the Incantation Bowls.- 30, The Artists’ Sources – 33, The Link between the Texts and the Drawings – 35, The Drawings of the Incantation Bowls—A Magic Art – 36, Summary – 37, Linguistic Features of the Texts in This Volume (Matthew Morgenstern) – 39, Orthography and Phonology – 40, Use of ʾaleph and he – 40, Shewa – 41, /ā/ - 41, Assimilation, Dissimilation, and Other Sound Changes – 41, Affixed Pronouns – 42, The Verb – 43, Perfect. – 43, Imperfect – 44, Imperative – 44, Participles – 45, Numerals – 45, Syntax – 46, Particles – 46, Vocabulary – 46, Conclusion – 49, I.1 RABBI ḤANINA BEN DOSA. Introduction – 53, JBA 1 (MS 1927/8) – 56, JBA 2 (MS 1927/29) – 59, JBA 3 (MS 1927/45) – 62, JBA 4 (MS 1927/47) – 65, JBA 5 (MS 1927/64) – 68, JBA 6 (MS 2053/10) – 71, JBA 7 (MS 2053/12) – 74, JBA 8 (MS 2053/55) – 77, JBA 9 (MS 2053/183) – 79, JBA 10 (MS 2053/185) – 83, I.1.1 Rabbi Ḥanina ben Dosa: Omitted by Haplography. Introduction – 89, JBA 11 (MS 2053/79) – 91, JBA 12 (MS 2053/178) – 94, I.2 DIVORCE TEXTS. Introduction – 99, I.2.1 Divorce Texts: Joshua bar Peraḥia. Introduction – 103, JBA 13 (MS 1927/5) – 105, JBA 14 (MS 1927/39) – 107, JBA 15 (MS 1927/43) – 110, JBA 16 (MS 1929/16) – 114, JBA 17 (MS 2053/33) – 117, JBA 18 (MS 2053/103) – 119, JBA 19 (MS 2053/132) – 123, JBA 20 (MS 2053/150) – 126, JBA 21 (MS 2053/164) – 129, JBA 22 (MS 2053/165) – 132, JBA 23 (MS 2053/206) – 134, JBA 24 (MS 2053/251) – 137, JBA 25 (MS 2053/280) – 140, I.2.1.1 Divorce Texts: Joshua bar Peraḥia (with Magical Excommunication rather than Divorce). Introduction – 151, JBA 26 (MS 1928/43) – 152, I.2.2 Divorce Texts: Elisur Bagdana. Introduction – 157, JBA 27 (MS 1927/16) – 160, JBA 28 (MS 1927/25) – 162, JBA 29 (MS 1927/51) – 164, JBA 30 (MS 1928/47) – 166, JBA 31 (MS 2053/41) – 169, JBA 32 (MS 2053/64) – 172, JBA 33 (MS 2053/83) – 174, JBA 34 (MS 2053/86) – 177, JBA 35 (MS 2053/89) – 181, JBA 36 (MS 2053/110) – 183, JBA 37 (MS 2053/123) – 185, JBA 38 (MS 2053/151) – 187, JBA 39 (MS 2053/162) – 190, JBA 40 (MS 2053/167) – 192, JBA 41 (MS 2053/184) – 195, JBA 42 (MS 2053/190) – 197, JBA 43 (MS 2053/193) – 200, JBA 44 (MS 2053/213) – 202, JBA 45 (MS 2053/237) – 204, JBA 46 (MS 2053/249) – 208, JBA 47 (MS 2053/258) – 211, I.2.2.1 Divorce Texts: Elisur Bagdana (Divorce Formula not Present). Introduction – 217, JBA 48 (MS 2053/200) – 218, JBA 49 (MS 2053/270) – 221, I.2.3 Divorce Texts: The Lilith Zanay, the Fornicating Singing-Girl. Introduction – 225, JBA 50 (MS 2053/207) – 226, JBA 51 (MS 2053/209) – 229, JBA 52 (MS 2053/231) – 232, JBA 53 (MS 2053/253) – 235, JBA 54 (MS 2053/273) – 238, I.2.4 Divorce Texts: Other Divorce Texts. Introduction – 243, JBA 55 (MS 1928/1) – 245, JBA 56 (MS 1928/8) – 249, JBA 57 (MS 2053/36) – 254, JBA 58 (MS 2053/166) – 258, JBA 59 (MS 2053/174) – 260, JBA 60 (MS 2053/212) – 263, JBA 61 (MS 2053/214) – 266, JBA 62 (MS 2053/242) – 268, JBA 63 (MS 2053/250) – 270, JBA 64 (MS 2053/256) – 273, Glossary – 279, List of Divine Names, Names of Angels, Demons and Exemplary Figures, and nomina barbara – 333, List of Clients and Adversaries – 345, List of Biblical Quotations – 353, List of Texts – 355, Bibliography – 359, Index – 367.

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